Communications & Fundraising Strategies Built to Inspire Change
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Strategy Counts

Insights and News from Mackey Strategies

7 Secrets of an Effective Commencement Speech

Now, more than ever, commencement speakers must craft speeches that not only honor graduates but also inspire hope amidst tumultuous times.

5 Ways to Structure an Interim CCO for Success

With the right planning, a well-defined interim communications leadership role can make both financial and strategic sense while the search for a permanent leader is underway.

7 Reasons to Hire an Interim CCO

The right interim communications leader can provide highly informed strategic counsel, help drive reputational and financial progress, and support and guide the team through an unsettling time, all while setting the stage for the permanent leader’s success.

New Book by Pete Mackey

Part history and all how-to, How the Change the Future: Lessons from Ireland on Revolutionizing Scientific Innovation and Economic Prosperity, offers a behind-the-scenes look at 20 strategic steps that Ireland applied to connect universities, government, and business and become a global leader in innovation and economic growth.

Highlights from 2023

What a year... 2023 marked the start of our 8th year working with outstanding educational institutions. From campaign creative to interim VP roles to communications work of all kinds, it was joy to partner with dedicated colleagues across the country serving such meaningful missions. Here are some highlights, including snapshots of some of the beautiful campuses we had the pleasure of visiting in the year that was. 

Kim Verstandig joins Mackey Strategies as Vice President for Fundraising

A visionary fundraising professional with deep experience in every aspect of the higher education and nonprofit philanthropic landscape, Kim joins Mackey Strategies after 30 years of increasing leadership responsibility in the higher education and nonprofit sectors, most recently leading the largest and most successful campaign in the history of Connecticut College.

Melanie Moran joins Mackey Strategies as Vice President and Senior Strategist

A leader in university communications and marketing, Melanie Moran joins Mackey Strategies after 25 years of increasing leadership responsibility in the higher education and public sectors, most recently as Associate Vice Chancellor for University Relations at Vanderbilt University. She brings to our clients extensive knowledge and experience in every aspect of communications and marketing.

When Should University Presidents Speak Out?

Colleges and universities often serve as laboratories for debate of the greatest flashpoints in our culture. Higher ed leaders will have to continue to decide when to speak out, or not. Here are key questions worth asking before deciding to weigh in—and, if so, what to say.

Free Digital Downloads

Resources for managing crisis communications, developing a communications strategy,
and building a powerful development and communications relationship.

Tip Sheet: Key Communications Questions to Ask During a Crisis

This two-page tip sheet includes the core questions to consider during any kind of crisis, so that you don’t have to start from scratch every time. Print a copy and keep it handy for easy access when crises arise.

Fill out this form to download the tip sheet:

E-book: 12 Steps to Strategic Communications

Communications strategy is never perfect, never resolved, but done right moves step by step toward a shared institutional identity, a desired organizational reputation, and the kind of common mission that inspires the hearts and minds of those involved—and those the communications reach. This e-book offers the essence of a process for getting there, and hinges on this idea: keep questioning, with a constant focus on the shared aim.

Fill out this form to download the e-book:

Communicating Impact: Building a Powerful Development & Communications Relationship

Co-authored by Mackey Strategies’ President Pete Mackey, Ph.D., and Vice President Melanie Moran and published in the inaugural issue of The Journal of Education Advancement & Marketing, this paper provides guidance and examples from senior leaders in the field for building an effective strategic relationship between communications and development.

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